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71782 Cole's Earth Dragon EVO Review

March 25th, 2023

Cole’s Earth Dragon EVO is from the Ninjago Core subtheme. It consists of 285 pieces, 2 minifigures and retails for $34.99 USD. Released in the winter wave of 2023, is this dragon worthy of dethroning Cole's one and only true dragon, Earth Dragon Defense? Let's find out!

The first stage gives the bare essentials. The essence of what is meant to be a dragon. Though, at least to me, it captures the silhouette of a frog with its overall stumpiness and posture. Especially when viewing it from the back which really in retrospect give it some sort of charm. This makes it something old, but also new for Ninjago.

There are of course a variety of attachments to take it from mediocre to a true beast. Consisting of wings, saddle, strength banner, tail, body extension, and most prominently tusk like horns on the head which are also new elements. That’s also used for the tail in the back to give it much needed bulk with probably the most free articulation this set has on the base and tip.

While most of these upgrade are fantastic the longer body is a downgrade with just how skinny it is. This is meant to be an earth dragon after all so a little more bulk would’ve gone a long way. However it also reminds me a lot of Earth Dragon Defense in a lot of aspects which feels like it was reincarnated.

Following the trend from last year, the head is a simple dual, specialty molded jaw system. The upper element is new for this wave and really helps complete the earth-like look. Unfortunately though the head is completely static forcing the dragon to look ahead at all times.

The legs only improve on this ever so slightly with the shoulder blade being mounted on a MIXEL joint though limited and really only acts as a point of splaying the legs in and out. It would have use going up and down but that’s severely limited by a 2x3 plate accompanied by a ratcheted ankle which makes it difficult to lay flat on its feet. The rear is no better and somehow worse as the articulation systems are swapped forcing not only the leg but also the feet to splay out. I would not recommend it for action poses due to that alone.

The side build is a neat little scorpion esque attachment that even comes complete with a stinger. I could see this as being crudely made, boney mech. You can really get some nice poses out of this though I do wish it had a clear 2x2 round brick on the bottom to help it stay propped up.

Minifigures included are Cole and Skull Scropio. While Cole is from last years line of sets, the budget went into the villain faction of this wave. Decked out in a ghost-skeleton-mummy hybrid the Scorpio is the star of the show here. While those are recycled concepts it really does feel fresh in every aspect. I also have to give LEGO credit on getting closer to being the perfect opacity though it’s still far off from the spring green. While the baddie gets this awesome, bone themed sword some consistency is in place with Cole having a normal version of the golden hammer from last years ninja dojo temple. Intentional or not it is good to see consistency in the Ninja’s weapons.

The best part about this set is that finally, finally after all these years Cole gets a proper dragon as well as being fully customizable at the same time. However, it really is brought down by its oh so limited articulation throughout as well as not being bulky where it needs it the most with that being said I give this a 7/10.

If you'd like to see a video review check it out below!

See ya next time!

- Marty aka BioninjaBricks

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